
Saving Energy with Your Refrigerator

Saving Energy with Your Refrigerator

Refrigerators are undoubtedly one of the most important appliances in a modern-day household. It’s only because of them that we are able to store food for long and enjoy our favorite drinks and ice-creams chilled. But did you know what and how you store in your refrigerator can affect its energy consumption?

An average household refrigerator consumes about 90w to 600w of electrical energy. Sometimes, a faulty component can lead to malfunctioning, calling for hefty refrigerator repair costs. Fret not if this is increasing your utility bill because you can practice good energy conservation techniques to avoid this. Let’s discuss them here.

  • Store your food carefully

Some of you may be overfilling your refrigerator, which can be a big hindrance to air circulation within the appliance. To increase the energy efficiency of your refrigerator, you must wrap foods and cover liquids while storing them. Uncovered food is one reason why foods lose moisture and lose their taste. Moreover, the moisture released from foods causes the compressor of the refrigerator to work harder, thereby consume high amounts of energy.

  • Ensure a strategic location

The location of your refrigerator may be another reason why it’s consuming so much energy. The availability of electrical sockets determines the location of your refrigerator, but you must avoid placing it close to heat sources like an oven, radiator or hob. You must ensure that your refrigerator has enough ventilation so that the compressor does not have to run incessantly, thereby contributing to energy usage.

  • Check the temperature setting

Setting the refrigerator or the freezer at low can consume a lot of energy. You must avoid setting the temperature too cold. Maintain a temperature of thirty-seven to forty degree Fahrenheit for your refrigerator to work optimally. At the same time, keep the temperature of your freezer at five degrees, unless you have a stand-alone freezer that you can set at 0 degrees. Setting your appliance at this temperature can directly help you save on your bills.

  • Always keep the door closed

Every time you open the refrigerator door, cold air escapes the appliance and gives way for warm air to enter. To compensate for the increase in temperature, the appliance starts using more energy to bring the temperature down. Keeping the door opened for long completely nullifies the purpose of the appliance, and also damage foods. As such, you must always keep the door of the refrigerator closed. Avoid opening it unnecessarily to prevent it from using excess energy.

  • Take care of maintenance

Last but not least, you must keep up the maintenance of your refrigerator to save energy. Defective parts or cracks can cause the appliance to lose heat and consume more energy in order to function. You must ensure that its coils, freezer, and other components are in proper condition. In case you see any defects, you must call for an appliance repair service at the earliest. Instead of doing it yourself, get in touch with a fridge technician who can do the job with care.

If you wish to repair a refrigerator in Los Angeles, you must always get in touch with experts. Not only will they restore your appliance but also repair defects and increase its energy-efficiency.